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원자력 발전소 및 군사시설 등 특수시설의 사양에 설계되며, 유사시 폭발물에 의해서 연쇄폭발방지 목적 및 폭발시발생되는 폭발압력에 의한 파편,폭풍파 차단 목적으로 사용 됩니다.요구되는 방폭 조건에 따라 Type(콘크리트,철) 분류 되어 설계되는 구조물 입니다.
■ 적용 코드
  • ASME N510 Testing of Nuclear Air Treatment Cleaning System
  • NFPA  80  Standard for Fire doors
  • UL 10B/10C     Safety Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
  • ASTM A 36  Standard Specification for carbon structural steel
  • ASTM A108  Standard Specification for Steel Bars
  • ASTM D2000  Standard Classification System for Rubber
Product in Automotive Applications
  • NCIG 01 Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria for Structural
Welding at Nuclear Power Plant
  • KEPIC MEN Nondestructive Examination
  • KEPIC MQ Nondestructive Examination
  • KEPIC SWS Nondestructive Examination
  • KEPIC SGC Nondestructive Examination
  • KEPIC QAP Nondestructive Examination
■ 인증서
■ 설계조건
  • 1. 고려된 설계 하중 및 동하중 계수
        1.1  D=Dead/Gravity Loads                                                                                                                
        1.2  Po=Normal Operating Pressure : 1/4inch water gage negative pressure. 
        1.3  Pa/Ta=Accident Condition Pressure( 24 Psid ) /Temperature
        1.4  DLF=Dynamic Load Factor for Accident Pressure : 2.0
        1.5  E=Seismic Load(Safe Shutdown Earthquake(SSE))
        1.6  Normal loading combination=1.0 KEPIC SND
        1.7  Extreme environmental loading condition
        	The design allowable stress shall be the lesser of 1.6 x KEPIC SND
        		i) 0.95 Fy for flexure
        		ii) 0.95 Pcr for compression
        	(PCR은 탄성체와 비탄성체의 구조적 안정성을 위한 임계좌굴하중)
        		iii) 0.95 Fy / √3 for shear
        1.8  Abnormal/Extreme environmental loading condition :
        	The design allowable stress shall be the lesser of 1.7 x KEPIC SND
        		i) 0.95 Fy for flexure
        		ii) 0.95 Pcr for compression
        		iii) 0.95 Fy / √3 for shear
  • 1. 고려된 설계 하중 및 동하중 계수
        2.1  Normal combination
        	1.0 D + 1.0Po
        2.2  Extreme environmental condition
        	1.0 D + 1.0 Po + 1.0 ESSE
        2.3  Abnormal/Extreme environmental loading condition
        	1.0 D + 1.0 Pa +Ta
        	1.0 D + 1.0 ESSE+ 1.0 Pa
        	1.0 D + 1.0 ESSE+ 1.0 Ta
        	1.0 D + 1.0 ESSE+ 1.0 Pa + 1.0 Ta
        	*NOTE : 상기의 Pa 값에 Dynamic Load Factor(DLF) 적용    
  • 3.Safe Shutdown Earthquake  -  Damping Factor 4%