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시설물의 외부 침입자의 총기에 의해 인명 및 시설을 보호하기위한 구조물이며 방탄 과 방화 기능을 동시에 만족합니다.
■ 적용 코드
  • UL 10B/10C     Safety Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
  • UL 752   Safety Bullet Resisting Equipment
  • ASTM A 36  Standard Specifiaction for carbon structural steel
  • KEPIC QAP Nuclear Quality Assurance
  • ANSI / BHMA A156
■ 방탄 Test
  • 1. Ratings of bullet-resisting materials
       1.1 LEVEL 4 – Protection against high power hunting and sporting rifles, such as the 30-06, and
                     the like, with muzzle energy of 2580-3120 foot-pounds
    1.2 LEVEL 5 – Protection against military ball full metal copper jacket ammunition fired from a hunting rifle such as
                  the 308 Winchester or a military rifle with muzzle energy of 2519-3048 foot-pounds
  • 2. Ballistics Test
    For the following tests, there shall be no penetration of the projectile through the test sample, and there shall also be no spalling of
    material on the protected side of the test sample to the extent that fragments embed into or damage the cardboard indicators. There shall
    be no opening of sufficient size to permit insertion of the muzzle of a standard weapon designed to use the ammunition used for the test
    completely through the sample